Fishing tours with 'skillful boat handling and tide reading' and 'skillful fishing'


The concept of this tour is,
The concept of this tour is: "You will always catch what you are aiming for! And eat it deliciously.
Fishing in the abundant sea is a fulfilling experience for beginners and experienced anglers alike.

The tour is led by a certified angler and a legendary boatman who will let you catch the fish you want to catch,
Under the blue sea and clear sky, while feeling the fresh sea breeze,
you will experience the joy of the moment when you catch a variety of fish.

Other activities include lunch using local ingredients at a roadside station and shopping for fresh vegetables and fish,
Enjoy the local attractions. For the finale, enjoy a special dinner where the fish you caught will be processed by a professional chef.

Enjoy a real fishing experience in the great outdoors,
and enjoy an exquisite meal prepared with fresh fish caught by the participants themselves,
The finale offers a luxurious experience that allows you to fully enjoy local attractions,
including an authentic fishing experience in the great outdoors,
a superb meal using your own fresh fish, and luxurious accommodations.

Tour Details

Day 1
15:00 Lodging in a 5-star hotel
spot1 15:00〜
Elegant stay at a 5-star hotel in Namba

Accommodations will be at a 5-star hotel in the Namba area (choice of Centara Grand Hotel Osaka or W Hotel). Conveniently located in the heart of Namba's vibrant entertainment and shopping district. You can stay in a room for high-end guests.

Day 2
5:50 Departure to Fukahi Fishing Port 7:45 Fishing experience begins 12:30 Lunch & Shopping 19:00 Exceptional Dinner
spot1 5:50〜
Early in the morning, we took a hired car to Fukahi Fishing Port in Misaki Town.

The day after staying at a 5-star hotel near Namba, you will be taken by hired car to Fukahi Fishing Port in "Misaki Town", the southernmost fishing port town in Osaka, one of the most popular fishing spots in Osaka.
All transfers will be provided by a comfortable hired car.

spot2 7:45〜
Professional fishermen and boatmen are there, so you have a high probability of catching fish!

A legendary boatman, who will make you catch the fish you want to catch, will guide you to the fishing spot based on the fish radar that searches for fish. Professional fishermen certified by the fishing tackle manufacturer "SHIMANO" will give you a detailed lecture on how to fish, even if you are a beginner, so you are guaranteed to catch fish at a high rate.

No need to bring any fishing gear.
You can participate without any equipment!

No need to bring your own fishing gear. All specialized equipment is provided, so you can participate without any tools.

spot3 12:30〜
Lunch in Misaki Town & shopping at popular roadside station "Misaki

At the Misaki Roadside Station, you will find a wide variety of fresh local fish. After lunch, it is time for shopping where you can purchase fresh vegetables and fish. Enjoy the local delights to the fullest.

spot4 19:00〜
An exquisite dinner of fish caught

You can enjoy a special dinner where fresh fish caught by yourself are skillfully processed and served by professional chefs. The freshly caught fish is served in a variety of dishes such as sashimi, simmered dishes, and deep-fried dishes. You can fully enjoy the exquisite taste of the freshness of the fish.

Fresh fish prepared by professionals!

Freshly caught fish are prepared into delicious dishes by chefs with a hundred years of experience.
If you cannot handle fish but would like to try the fish you caught, your wish will be fulfilled.

Tour Outline

Tour Name Fishing tours with "skillful boat handling and tide reading" and "skillful fishing"
a number of days 3 days and 2 nights
area Misakicho
guide Available (Japanese, Chinese, English)
Charge 1,200,000 yen ~ / up to 6 people 1 order

Hotel Accommodations

Centara Grand Hotel Osaka

A new landmark in Osaka, the Centara Grand Hotel Osaka is a stunning modern architectural masterpiece rising in the heart of the vibrant Namba entertainment and shopping district.

lodging 3 days and 2 nights
check in 3:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m., Check-out: ~11:00 p.m.
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